Orion Parks 5 Year Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Welcome to the Orion Township Parks & Recreation
online registration website!
Have suggestions for future porgramming you'd like to see? Click the button below to submit your ideas!

If you have ever registered for a program or rented a facility/field through Orion Township in person or by mail and provided your email address on or after December 1st, 2017, you already have an online account in our system. To access it, follow these steps:
- Click 'sign-in' button on the top right, you do not need to create a new account.
- On the next page, click on 'Forgot your password?'
- Type in your email address
- A Temporary password will be sent to your email; use it to login.
- There will be a 'password tab', enter temporary password and change/confirm to new password.
- If you have trouble logging in, please contact us at 248.391.0304 x3500
If you are new or if you have registered for a program before December 1st, 2017:
- Click on 'Create a New Account' link and follow the instructions.
- If you have any trouble creating an account, please contact us at 248.391.0304 x3500
*Please note that all credit card payments require a minimum of a $1.50 service charge fee or 2.8%, whichever is greater. All Service charges are nonrefundable.